With flat-Earthers on the rise, it's a good time to review reality. Paul Hewitt's here to help.
Hewitt-Drew-it! PHYSICS 149. Eratosthenes and the round earth
Hewitt presents an easy explanation on how Eratosthenes measured the diameter and circumference of the earth in about 235 B.C. Only simple geometry is used.
For a complete index of Hewitt Drew-It video lessons, start at
Hewitt Drew-It! PHYSICS Screencast Directory
There are quick lessons on virtually all topics covered in introductory physics, conveniently organized for easy access.
High school physics education issues as seen by some American teachers: From content standards to critical thinking
Friday, December 29, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Making engagement visual
At semester's end, it's possible to look back and see how student engagement in the course manifested itself into semester grades.
Students who perform well on tests and labs naturally percolate to the top. But those who don't excel in those objective measures have alternate routes to good grades in my courses.
During the semester, "extra credit" (credit toward the final: CTF) is awarded in dribs and drabs for various tasks and in-class competitions. Completing paperwork associated with the beginning of the school year and team performance in our egg-toss competition are typical first-semester sources. The credit is accumulated through the semester, but only becomes active as an addition to the final exam score. Some teachers add in extra credit as it comes in. That leads to disappointment when final exam scores are low. Adding it to final exam scores at the end of the semester leads to delight similar to finding money under the cushions of the sofa/couch/davenport.
More importantly in my Physics (PHY) and Conceptual Physics (CP) courses, students can earn back points lost on unit tests. The process is called Test Correction Journal. Students write "journal entries" for each item they missed on a unit test and reflect on why they were drawn to a wrong answer over the right answer. Later, a quiz is given consisting of questions from the original test. If they get 10 out 10 on the quiz, they earn back half the points they missed on the test. If they 9/10, they get 90% of half the points they missed, etc.. A 60 can turn into an 80 and 40 into a 70. A 90 can turn into a 95. The more help you need, the more help TCJs provide.
Neither CTF nor TCJs depend on rapid assimilation of course content. But they do depend largely on engagement. Sometimes students who miss many items on a unit test cannot finish the journaling process that we begin during class time. They need to come it at lunch or after school during an approximately two-week window to finish the journal. Only students with completed journals are allowed to take the quiz that will earn their missed test points back.
Students who disengage from TCJs create and expand a gap between themselves and those who are engaged. My engaged students earn only As and Bs. But Cs, Ds, and Fs are given every semester, as many students elect to disengage.
The listings below are actual student data. Each is a period, sorted by points earned. I used Excel's conditional formatting to color the cells in a spectrum from top-score green to bottom-score red, with yellow in between. The next column colors CTF points on a same basis (green good; red bad). Then (for PHY classes), it's the TCJ column with the same color scheme. The last column shows the final exam raw score out of 50. The top number in each column show the maximum value possible.
The pattern is fairly consistent, with anomalies here and there. Nothing to shatter the Earth here. I just wanted to see how well the seemingly nebulous "engagement" tracks to overall class performance. Teachers know this pattern is really the only one that's possible. Students don't always have an intuitive understanding of it. Some will see the evidence and reject it nonetheless.
Those students believe it's possible to get a top score with minimal engagement. It's mathematically possible. It just never happens. They may also fear that investing in full engagement will not be rewarded in a top score. Yet we don't find a red Points value followed by green CTF and TCJ columns. That's actually much less mathematically possible, given what TCJs do.
Students who perform well on tests and labs naturally percolate to the top. But those who don't excel in those objective measures have alternate routes to good grades in my courses.
During the semester, "extra credit" (credit toward the final: CTF) is awarded in dribs and drabs for various tasks and in-class competitions. Completing paperwork associated with the beginning of the school year and team performance in our egg-toss competition are typical first-semester sources. The credit is accumulated through the semester, but only becomes active as an addition to the final exam score. Some teachers add in extra credit as it comes in. That leads to disappointment when final exam scores are low. Adding it to final exam scores at the end of the semester leads to delight similar to finding money under the cushions of the sofa/couch/davenport.
More importantly in my Physics (PHY) and Conceptual Physics (CP) courses, students can earn back points lost on unit tests. The process is called Test Correction Journal. Students write "journal entries" for each item they missed on a unit test and reflect on why they were drawn to a wrong answer over the right answer. Later, a quiz is given consisting of questions from the original test. If they get 10 out 10 on the quiz, they earn back half the points they missed on the test. If they 9/10, they get 90% of half the points they missed, etc.. A 60 can turn into an 80 and 40 into a 70. A 90 can turn into a 95. The more help you need, the more help TCJs provide.
Neither CTF nor TCJs depend on rapid assimilation of course content. But they do depend largely on engagement. Sometimes students who miss many items on a unit test cannot finish the journaling process that we begin during class time. They need to come it at lunch or after school during an approximately two-week window to finish the journal. Only students with completed journals are allowed to take the quiz that will earn their missed test points back.
Students who disengage from TCJs create and expand a gap between themselves and those who are engaged. My engaged students earn only As and Bs. But Cs, Ds, and Fs are given every semester, as many students elect to disengage.
The listings below are actual student data. Each is a period, sorted by points earned. I used Excel's conditional formatting to color the cells in a spectrum from top-score green to bottom-score red, with yellow in between. The next column colors CTF points on a same basis (green good; red bad). Then (for PHY classes), it's the TCJ column with the same color scheme. The last column shows the final exam raw score out of 50. The top number in each column show the maximum value possible.
The pattern is fairly consistent, with anomalies here and there. Nothing to shatter the Earth here. I just wanted to see how well the seemingly nebulous "engagement" tracks to overall class performance. Teachers know this pattern is really the only one that's possible. Students don't always have an intuitive understanding of it. Some will see the evidence and reject it nonetheless.
Those students believe it's possible to get a top score with minimal engagement. It's mathematically possible. It just never happens. They may also fear that investing in full engagement will not be rewarded in a top score. Yet we don't find a red Points value followed by green CTF and TCJ columns. That's actually much less mathematically possible, given what TCJs do.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Fun does not mean unprofessional
I follow some great educators on Twitter, one of the great things about the platform is being able to find people that share interests that I don't know personally. I like to follow inspirational teachers that make me want to do better, that can expand my point of view and remind me that how varied and diverse our national education system is. I get a lot of great ideas from physics teachers and get to chuckle in commiseration with hashtags like #teacherlife and #teacherproblems.
Two days ago a math teacher and author from New York Jose Vilson posted a video of himself dancing in class with a great Christmas sweater. I liked it, not thinking much of it and continued to scroll. Unsurprisingly, Jose's video was retweeted by other people I follow so I got to smile again every time it came up:
- Teach students to do the "Superman" yoga pose and worn two back packs at a time while teaching center of mass and stability.
- Literally kicked off my heels to run across my classroom and try to race the stadium wave my students make across the classroom while teaching, duh, waves.
- Spun around like a ballerina/ figure skater to remind them about conservation of angular momentum.
- Spun and leaped in a circle to reinforce the difference between rotation and revolution.
- Stood on lab benches to drop/ throw/ launch a variety of projectiles.
- Channel my inner drill sergeant and lead the class in force exercises; I say "A Force is a what?" and they respond "A push!" I say "And a what?" and they shout back "A pull!"
There are probably more that I've forgotten. As many other teachers have I also frequently share jokes and puns about my curriculum. Students' suspicions are correct, teachers do actually plan some of those jokes. I have a construction hat I've written the formula for work on and I wear it every year. This year I made a giant piece of buttered toast just to illustrate a tough textbook problem
Teachers often use humor to teach and engage their students. We've been known to use comic strips and Dan Burns even dresses up to look like the physics teacher in FoxTrot on occasion.
All of that is acceptable, but dancing is not? You've undoubtedly heard the phrase "Happy Dance," when someone does a little dance for about 10 seconds when they are unexpectedly happy. You may see your students do a happy dance when they got a grade higher than they expected. I've seen full grown adults do a happy dance in a store when they find their favorite wine on sale. The point of the happy dance is spontaneous joy, despite surroundings, in order to celebrate something unexpected or surprising. How is that accepted across our culture but a teacher in a classroom of happy students can't dance? Being fun does not mean you are unprofessional. I say teachers continue the dancing, winging, joking, etc. This job is hard enough without being a sour puss.
Two days ago a math teacher and author from New York Jose Vilson posted a video of himself dancing in class with a great Christmas sweater. I liked it, not thinking much of it and continued to scroll. Unsurprisingly, Jose's video was retweeted by other people I follow so I got to smile again every time it came up:
I was surprised however, when I started noticing that not only were people retweeting the video but also including remarks of defense and support. I had to follow a few threads to figure out why Jose even needed to be defended. (Hint: he shouldn't have to be) There had been comments about Jose's dance being "unprofessional" but they weren't so nice about it, in fact they were downright racist about it.When you’re a teacher about an hour away from vacay and take off the professionalism for a minute pic.twitter.com/6AYlvfDznP— José Luis Vilson, NBCT (@TheJLV) December 22, 2017
On one hand, 2017 can't shock me much more but on the other, he was just dancing! He is a great teacher and activist, published author, etc. but that doesn't mean he's not human. Teachers are human. We are not robots, we are people. The whole thing got me thinking of all the times I've been "unprofessional" in front of my students. Its quite a list:Keep America Racist Forever. https://t.co/rxs6oz2YU6— José Luis Vilson, NBCT (@TheJLV) December 23, 2017
- Teach students to do the "Superman" yoga pose and worn two back packs at a time while teaching center of mass and stability.
- Literally kicked off my heels to run across my classroom and try to race the stadium wave my students make across the classroom while teaching, duh, waves.
- Spun around like a ballerina/ figure skater to remind them about conservation of angular momentum.
- Spun and leaped in a circle to reinforce the difference between rotation and revolution.
- Stood on lab benches to drop/ throw/ launch a variety of projectiles.
- Channel my inner drill sergeant and lead the class in force exercises; I say "A Force is a what?" and they respond "A push!" I say "And a what?" and they shout back "A pull!"

Teachers often use humor to teach and engage their students. We've been known to use comic strips and Dan Burns even dresses up to look like the physics teacher in FoxTrot on occasion.
All of that is acceptable, but dancing is not? You've undoubtedly heard the phrase "Happy Dance," when someone does a little dance for about 10 seconds when they are unexpectedly happy. You may see your students do a happy dance when they got a grade higher than they expected. I've seen full grown adults do a happy dance in a store when they find their favorite wine on sale. The point of the happy dance is spontaneous joy, despite surroundings, in order to celebrate something unexpected or surprising. How is that accepted across our culture but a teacher in a classroom of happy students can't dance? Being fun does not mean you are unprofessional. I say teachers continue the dancing, winging, joking, etc. This job is hard enough without being a sour puss.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
An inclination for serendipity
When I show the Honda Cog ad (flavors of equilibrium, energy transformations), there is always strong skepticism regarding the wheels that roll uphill. So I am always ready to go with the demonstration illustrated in this previous post.
Sometimes I leave the wheel resting comfortably on the inclined plane. That very same inclined plane is also home to my electronic balance.
So why not another Physics Mashup?
First, students should be able to explain why the wheel holds fast on the incline before I spill the beans. Or in this case, ball bearings.
Next, I tare the scale and rest the "hill-hugger" atop the scale. A reading is observed.
Finally, students should correctly predict what will happen to the scale reading when the incline is re-leveled. Assure them the wheel will remain atop the scale.
It's not so novel it will shatter the Earth. But it's nice to milk some mileage out apparatus just otherwise lying around.
The answer can be seen via the comments. I leave the solution to the reader.
Sometimes I leave the wheel resting comfortably on the inclined plane. That very same inclined plane is also home to my electronic balance.

First, students should be able to explain why the wheel holds fast on the incline before I spill the beans. Or in this case, ball bearings.
Next, I tare the scale and rest the "hill-hugger" atop the scale. A reading is observed.
Finally, students should correctly predict what will happen to the scale reading when the incline is re-leveled. Assure them the wheel will remain atop the scale.
It's not so novel it will shatter the Earth. But it's nice to milk some mileage out apparatus just otherwise lying around.
The answer can be seen via the comments. I leave the solution to the reader.
Monday, December 04, 2017
Advanced Studies in Artistic Lightning
Watch it big; watch it loud. But mostly, watch it.
And remember, deviations from physical realism serve not as disqualifies, but springboards for discussion here.
Transient from Dustin Farrell (www.dfvc.com) on Vimeo.
And remember, deviations from physical realism serve not as disqualifies, but springboards for discussion here.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Can you feel the inertia?
I just started rotation in my AP Physics C class and I introduced moment of inertia today. There was the traditional hoop vs disk down a ramp and I found an inertia stick for students to observe. The first class went very poorly because I introduced the rolling inertia demonstrations before we had talked about rotational kinetic energy and rolling ... BUT I did develop a new demo that did work so let's focus on that.
My textbook has a lot of pictures like this one of unusually shaped objects:
The odd objects are meant to illustrate that the moment of inertia is different with different axis positions. This concept will also help explain the Parallel Axis Theorem if the object is not one of the uniform shapes commonly seen on a moment of inertia chart. I wanted to make something like this with a movable axis so that my students can feel the difference in inertia at different axis points. Its a good thing I have a mini-shop in my prep room ...
I found a scrap piece of 3/4" plywood and used a bandsaw to cut it into an "odd shape." Then I drilled three 1/2" holes through it, one on each end and one roughly at the center of mass. I cut three 8" pieces of 1/2" dowel, one for each hole. The dowel was snug enough that when you rotate it, the whole piece rotates.
My textbook has a lot of pictures like this one of unusually shaped objects:
The odd objects are meant to illustrate that the moment of inertia is different with different axis positions. This concept will also help explain the Parallel Axis Theorem if the object is not one of the uniform shapes commonly seen on a moment of inertia chart. I wanted to make something like this with a movable axis so that my students can feel the difference in inertia at different axis points. Its a good thing I have a mini-shop in my prep room ...
I found a scrap piece of 3/4" plywood and used a bandsaw to cut it into an "odd shape." Then I drilled three 1/2" holes through it, one on each end and one roughly at the center of mass. I cut three 8" pieces of 1/2" dowel, one for each hole. The dowel was snug enough that when you rotate it, the whole piece rotates.
The wood is hefty enough that you really feel a difference from the center axis to one on the end. You can feel a slight difference between the two ends but not as much as I'd like. I may carve out a bit more so that the difference is easier to feel. Below is a video of me spinning it to give you a sense of it.
Monday, November 06, 2017
Catch and Splash: Grass Omelette XVII
After a few year's dalliance with Energy before Momentum, I have switched back to Momentum before Energy. Please don't flame!
One benefit to the return is that our annual egg toss competition, Grass Omelette, has returned to late October/early November. And that increases the likelihood of nice weather.
We conduct the event prior to any discussion on impulse so that we can refer to it during or after our lessons on F∆t = m∆v.
I shoot the catches at 120 fps so that I can pull half-decent still images of "splashes" to give to the individual students who were brave enough to don the plastic ponchos and kilts. I'm currently using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200. Maybe in the future, I'll shoot normal-speed 4K video to get better stills. At some point, consumer high-speed 4K will be available. I know the Sony RX10 iv can shoot 24 fps at full resolution (as well as 960 fps lower-res high-speed).
In any case...
Egg Toss 2017 Catches
Egg Toss 2017 Splashes
When I had 5 sections of Physics (no AP anything and no Conceptual Physics) in 2013, I had enough to produce an amusing compendium set to Vangelis' Chariots of Fire.
Egg Toss 2013
One benefit to the return is that our annual egg toss competition, Grass Omelette, has returned to late October/early November. And that increases the likelihood of nice weather.
We conduct the event prior to any discussion on impulse so that we can refer to it during or after our lessons on F∆t = m∆v.
I shoot the catches at 120 fps so that I can pull half-decent still images of "splashes" to give to the individual students who were brave enough to don the plastic ponchos and kilts. I'm currently using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200. Maybe in the future, I'll shoot normal-speed 4K video to get better stills. At some point, consumer high-speed 4K will be available. I know the Sony RX10 iv can shoot 24 fps at full resolution (as well as 960 fps lower-res high-speed).
In any case...
Egg Toss 2017 Catches
Egg Toss 2017 Splashes
When I had 5 sections of Physics (no AP anything and no Conceptual Physics) in 2013, I had enough to produce an amusing compendium set to Vangelis' Chariots of Fire.
Egg Toss 2013
Friday, November 03, 2017
Simple demo big gains
I have noticed a big difference in student comprehension when the problems become real to them. Simple visuals can have a big impact on the students "getting it." I can't count the number of times I've tossed a tennis ball around to make a point. Somehow holding the tennis ball at different heights or just tossing it up to catch it again can lead to "Oooh now I see what's happening!" So I have several simple demos that help students visualize their problems, a block or two hanging from the ceiling with spring scales, a stuffed toy in a bucket, etc.

For the next stage I set up two large ring stands with another bar clamped horizontally between them. I dramatically assure students it is level with the springs hanging at their relaxed length. Then I hang a 500 g mass from each and they can see the slight differences in elongation. Then the 500 g masses are switched out for 1 kg and the difference between them becomes more pronounced (left). Applying this to Hooke's Law they could all calculate the spring constant for each spring. But this made it way more interesting than five given forces and elongation lengths to calculate the spring constant from a word problem.
When my AP Physics C class started center of mass, many could calculate the center of mass with equations but had a hard time visualizing what that actually meant. A common problem involves materials of different densities stuck together, for example a piece of aluminum and a piece of iron. To make a real life version I found a piece of Styrofoam that was the same thickness as a piece of scrap wood. I drilled three holes in the wood, stuck three dowels into the holes and stuck the dowels into the Styrofoam. I wrapped the whole thing in paper to make it appear uniform but I did tell students it was made of two different materials. I showed it to students and asked what information they would need to solve for the center of mass. Of course I play with them a bit and after each response I say, "Ok, now you can solve it right?" to which they predictably respond, "No, we need XYZ too!" Eventually, I give them the dimensions of the whole thing and let them solve for it. The dimensions are listed on the paper below (the "total mass" includes the paper in case they ask).
They are not surprised that the center of mass is closer to the wood side but they are surprised that for this particular arrangement it's actually on the wood. It's a simple practice problem but once they're done I can balance the piece on my hand at (almost) the exact position they predicted, about 5 cm in from the wood side. Students that struggle with this homework problem were successful with this in-class practice problem.
Another simple one my colleague Jessie Chen shared with me can be done by every student in your class on the cheap. Like less than $1 cheap. Most dollar stores sell packs of cards for $1, or even a double pack if you're lucky. Each student will need one plastic playing card (or index card) folded at a right angle along the length of the card. Place it on the corner of the table with one corner hanging off the edge of the table. Place two pennies on the card so that one is on the portion on the table and one is on the portion hanging off the table. You can use a pen or pencil to press on the card so that when it moves it pivots around that point. Flick the vertical part of the card on the side that is hanging off the table. This causes the card to move so that it is no longer supporting the penny hanging off the table and it will fall straight down due to gravity. On the other side the vertical portion of the card will push forward, applying a horizontal velocity to the penny and making it shoot off the table in a half a parabola shape. You can hear (and see) the two pennies hitting the ground at the same time. Many of us have a fancy machine that demos this for us, sometimes called a "Drop/shot" or a Newton's Second Law machine, and those work great, don't get me wrong. But to be able to hand these to my students and have them try it, nothing can be better than that!
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Trick or treat? See for yourself
It's been a little quiet around here for a variety of reasons. So let's shake off some dust for ... Halloween? Why not?
Four drops of food coloring are added to the center of a half-filled "skinny fish tank" (a.k.a., Arbor Scientific Laser Viewing Tank) resting on a low-friction turntable (Pasco's Rotating Chair platform).
The tank is then given a spin. And, well..?
It made me say those magic words all people in science prize: "That's funny!" I didn't know what to expect, so in some ways, this wasn't overwhelmingly surprising. Still though...
I get the parabolic surface. But what's going on in the dye? I'm sure there's a lovely, simple explanation that I should know. But I don't.
If you do, kindly leave it in a comment. I am your student.
Four drops of food coloring are added to the center of a half-filled "skinny fish tank" (a.k.a., Arbor Scientific Laser Viewing Tank) resting on a low-friction turntable (Pasco's Rotating Chair platform).
The tank is then given a spin. And, well..?
It made me say those magic words all people in science prize: "That's funny!" I didn't know what to expect, so in some ways, this wasn't overwhelmingly surprising. Still though...
I get the parabolic surface. But what's going on in the dye? I'm sure there's a lovely, simple explanation that I should know. But I don't.
If you do, kindly leave it in a comment. I am your student.
Tuesday, October 03, 2017
Don't Ask Smithsonian

At the end of each issue is the "Ask Smithsonian" page. Readers send in questions that are answered by a bullpen of Smithsonian-connected scientists. It is hard to believe that a column like this still exists in this age of instant Internet searching, but it is entertaining to read. Perhaps the people who are most likely to send in a question to a magazine are the least likely to know how to do a key word search. In the September issue the first question was "In how many ways can snake venom kill humans?" Hopefully this was not a time sensitive query. The reply by Matt Evans, an assistant curator at the National Zoo is thorough and encourages further research with the brief mention of "complex venoms". At the end of each column is an invitation to submit queries to Smithsonian.com/ask.

Invoking free fall to explain the sensation of weightlessness is helpful. It connects the questioner to experiences they have had like jumping off a diving board or jumping on a trampoline. There is no difference between those experiences and orbiting except that your path intersects the Earth's surface while that of the space station does not. I prefer to use the expression "apparent weightlessness" because I define weight to be the force of gravity on an object. Not everyone uses this definition. Some define weight to be whatever a scale reads. Therefore, I won't list this as a mistake.
Dr. Neal continues, "They’re falling toward Earth and moving forward at about the same velocity."
It can be useful to consider an orbiting object to be falling toward Earth but this statement is just plain wrong. In a quarter orbit it moves "below" its initial position by a distance equal to the radius of the orbit. In the same time it moves a quarter of the orbit's circumference. This distance is pi/2 greater so the velocities are not the same. Since the directions are different, the term speed should have been used, but making something wrong less wrong is of questionable utility.
Dr. Neal then adds, "Because the downward and forward forces are nearly equal, the astronauts are not pulled in any specific direction, so they float."
There are no forward forces in a circular orbit. Neglecting drag, there is only the force of gravity and it is acting down. An elliptical orbit would have a component of the force of gravity tangent to the orbit. Since this question is about the ISS and its circular orbit, that is not applicable nor would this help Dr. Neal. This statement is nonsense and makes me wonder where she learned about gravity and orbits.

He muddles the issue with the mention of collisions. It is certainly possible that a collision would send a particle crashing onto the surface but since nearby particles have similar velocities, the collisions are not violent enough to result in a large enough change in velocity. Dr. Holman veers away from the laws of physics when he tries to explain why the particles stay in their orbit regardless of any collisions. Acceleration and force are related but they are different quantities. They cannot ever be equal. It also is puzzling how they would balance each other out when they are in the same direction. Centripetal means toward the center and the force of gravity from Saturn is toward the center as well.
One explanation for why objects stay in orbit is that the centrifugal force is balanced by the force of gravity. This is a very common explanation because it is brief. However, for people that know little about physics it is devoid of information. This explanation is from the accelerating frame of reference of the orbiting object. If you were in this frame of reference you might believe there is no acceleration and conclude that the sum of the forces on you must be zero. Since you know there is gravity pulling down, you would postulate an opposing force in the outward, or centrifugal direction that balances gravity. There is nothing wrong with this point of view but analyzing motion from an accelerating frame of reference is not a trivial exercise. It is best to first understand orbital motion from a non-accelerating frame of reference. The ring particles are accelerating because the direction of their velocity is changing. Their orbits are stable because they have just the right velocity and distance from Saturn that results in an acceleration that is equal to the force of gravity from Saturn divided by the particle's mass. Put a particle at this velocity closer to Saturn and it would start to move toward the surface because the force would be more than what is needed to cause the centripetal acceleration.
Dr. Holman was given a second chance to answer this question when readers responded to his original answer in the May 2017 issue. Their response was summarized by the Smithsonian as "Some readers thought the March “Ask Smithsonian” should have stated that the acceleration of Saturn’s rings was “centrifugal,” not “centripetal,” as printed." He boots this opportunity to correct himself by responding, "Perhaps I should not have written ‘balances out,’ because it is easy to misinterpret. But the force is indeed centripetal. An object in circular motion with a constant speed v and a radius r about the center it is orbiting has an acceleration a=v^2/r that is always directed toward that center. That acceleration is centripetal.”
It appears he didn't bother to read his initial answer. He didn't mention centripetal force in his original response. Why would he say "the force is indeed centripetal"? He appears to cite a quickly searched definition of centripetal acceleration and once again confuses force and acceleration. If you put the entirety of both responses together, his answer is meaningless.
None of this is surprising to high school physics teachers. We are used to scientific publications and websites getting things wrong, especially on the subject of orbits. Sometimes this is because the person does not understand orbits. However, the author is often someone who does know better and the frequency of these erroneous explanations is too high to explain it away to incompetence. I think it is due more to laziness. It is far easier to say the centrifugal force is balanced by the gravitational force than to explain it from a non-accelerating frame of reference. When writing an article about the space station it is easier to use the terms zero gravity and weightlessness than to explain how astronauts are actually in free fall. This is understandable for an author that is frequently writing about such topics. The flow of the article will be affected if they have to explain everything from basic principles every time. Perhaps that is what motivated Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer, to write a short article about his views on centripetal Vs centrifugal force.

If you are a high school physics teacher, I suggest you give one of the questions to your students. Select the best 3-4 answers and mix them up with the response from the expert in Ask Smithsonian. Hand them out and have your students try and pick which response was from the space history curator or the astrophysicist. The results will be surprising, or perhaps not.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
A Natural
Due to a crazy start of the school year I've had the "opportunity" to work with half a dozen subs since August. Out of four Physics teachers, we're down to two. One position remained unfilled for the first 6 weeks, another teacher was out with a broken collarbone and subsequent surgery. Luckily a long term sub was procured for one room since the start of school, let's call him Mr. D, so those students have had some consistency. In the other there were a few different subs for two weeks before a recent graduate and alum, Ms. G, came in in the clutch to help us out for four weeks. Both of these teachers have different styles, neither have a degree in Physics, and yet they were fabulous. I found myself describing both as "a natural." Facing different subs in the future, (recent graduate has to go start her first job, the other is approaching 30 days of the emergency clearance) I'm reflecting on what these two had that made them so great. Its hard to teach new teachers some of the nuances, little tricks of the trade that experienced teachers have. You may find yourself watching a great teacher and can't quite put your finger on what makes them make it seem so easy. But, I'll give describing it a shot:
Command of the room:
This is not to say that when a teacher talks the room is silent, but it might be. This does not mean they are yelling, they shouldn't be. This means that when the teacher talks, the students listen. Not out of fear, but out of earned and mutual respect. Students understand that the teacher has something to share that is important and that they will have their chance in turn. And that's an important piece not often included. Teachers that talk all the time will not have students that listen all the time. Sometimes I find the less I talk, the better they listen when I do. Mr. D has an almost theatrical presence in his classroom, outlining the day's tasks from their agenda never sounded so intriguing.
Command of the room does mean that you can recapture the room's attention when you need it. I imagine this is more difficult in a science room than in most other disciplines because of the nature of labs. Students are focused on their task, talking with other students (for better or worse) and often not facing the teacher. A necessary management skill is to be able to quickly get students to transition their focus from their own tasks back to the teacher. Without yelling, don't yell. Mr. D does a countdown, "If you could take ten seconds to finish your thought before looking up here. I'd like to see all eyes in 5, 4, 3, 2 .... and 1." You can tell a new teacher they should do that, you can give them the three bar chime we all have but being able to execute it successfully is a skill.
Eyes in the back of their head:
While our students might swear we are biological freaks in this way, we are human. Just humans with heightened and acute sense of awareness. Teachers often have a hard time focusing on single tasks because we never do. At the moment that we are speaking to the class our mouth is almost on autopilot, delivering a sentence we thought of moments before, because our active brain is focused elsewhere. A student in the third row, left side, has his math homework out. A student in the back is playing with his hands in his lap again, you're hoping its a phone. And dammit where did you leave your water bottle? Those moments you turn around to face the board you hear the creaks of chairs or the whispering from one to another and you can tell which side of the room its coming from. You make an educated guess that because its third period its probably James, because its always James. In nature programs you'll often see prey on high alert, head on a swivel, ears rotating even faster, eyes darting side to side. Teacher have to have these prey-like instincts, looking at anything and everything in their classroom.
With multiple one or two day subs prior to her arrival, Ms. G walked into a room of wild students. Within a few days she got to know the students well enough to make gentle reminders about the phones, homework, talking, etc. as if she had years of experience. Mr. D asked about a stain on the floor of his room and could confidently say it wasn't there after 2nd period but was there when he returned 4th period. I know veteran teachers that say, "Huh, I never noticed we had this poster up." Situational awareness is key.
Fly by the seat of your pants:
There aren't many jobs that require careful planning of potentially months (for purchases) or at least days (for copies) that can all be thrown out the window at a moment's notice. Oops, there's a rally you forgot about. Or your copies didn't come in. Or the district wide internet is down .... for a week. Or you just sick enough not to come in, because otherwise you still would (sub plans aren't worth it). As a new teacher, a survival method is often to adhere to the schedule no matter what. If you vary today who knows how you'll have to change the rest of the week! You can't take that sense of not knowing! More experienced teachers are often more flexible, they've had to learn over the years; and it does usually take years. You have to learn when to adjust things to alleviate stress on the students (they need more time for a test) or you (you need more time to grade that test). Sometimes you just don't know how to change that group work into an all class demo that's faster, but you'll learn.
I wrote the sub plans for Mr. D and Ms. G. I sent them emails a week at a time with all the material they needed, schedules, rubrics, samples, extra background so they could learn the material, etc. I stressed them keeping to the same schedule for my benefit, to keep consistency across all classes and to make their lives easier. And 80% of the time that worked. But we found that Ms. G was a bit of a faster lecturer, so she wrote some sample problems for students to practice solving on the whiteboards she found in a corner. Mr. D had a great way to orally review the vocabulary with the students and didn't get to an activity so he found a way to work that content into the discussion. I checked on them both a few times a day and they would give me updates, "We got to this but not this, so I did this instead," etc. Each time I was pleasantly surprised at their excellent choice, they handled small curricular adjustments like a vet. Copies didn't come in? No problem, let's project it and go over it together. No one did the homework? Take some time, turn to a neighbor and work it through together, we'll add it to the classwork list. Flexibility and creativity are a must for a successful teacher. Immobility is a detriment.
Knowing what they know:
Teachers make and give assessments to students so that we know what they know. Students often think they are punitive of course but I usually tell my students "You and I both need to know what you know right now, so that we know if we can move forward." Assessments should be as much for the student as the teacher and have as much benefit. After a week or so into Mr. D's take over of the class his students had a quiz. Ms. G teaches the same class, had an additional prep and was put in charge of grading it. Mr. D came into the room very excitedly, "I think they did well! Can I see?" and in a very teacher-heart warming moment they looked at the assessment together. They pointed out this or that student's pitfalls, noting "Yeah, he's had a hard time with that GUESS." or "His 504 said he would have trouble with vocabulary." He was visibly disappointed in some, "But we talked about that one just yesterday!" Which leads me to the next point...
They care about their students:
Written on plaques for teacher desks and in gifs the world over, teachers should care about their students. They should want them to be happy and healthy citizens, protectors of the world of the future. We should be invested in helping them build their future selves, supporting their complex backgrounds and making them feel like they can do anything. This goes beyond someone being a "people person" or not. You don't have to be a touchy feely huggy type either. But you do have to be genuine. You can not fake caring about your students, they'll know.
Both Mr. D and Ms. G walked into their positions as substitute teachers, they had a finite end date from the beginning. Yet both stopped referring to the students as "Mr. [so-and-so's] kids" and started referring to them as "my kids" very quickly. They came to own those classrooms and those students, caring if they did well, concerned if they were struggling and elated when they succeeded. Ms. G left us yesterday, almost a week before the student's next test. Not only did she get all her grades in order, she wrote a long email to the next sub with information they would need. Included were notes about individual students: "[Name] gets frustrated easily, give him a moment outside and he should come back in refocused;" or "Watch out for [Name] in 3rd, he never stays in his lab group." Ms. G wanted to see the test students would take next week, the lab she would not manage and their last review activities. She wanted to see that they were ready, that they would be able to ask questions, etc. She is worried about a group of kids she will never see again and about how they will do on one test of many in what is no longer her class. You can't teach a new teacher how to have that level of investment in their kids.
As each of their time in my building comes to an end I am thankful to have worked with Mr. D and Ms. G and hope to do so again, however unlikely. Mr. D is our resident sub now but he's technically an English teacher; I've tried to pull him into Physics but he laughed at me. Ms. G is off to the corporate world but I'd like to think she'll be back. I think she's got the teaching bug and was just too good to stay out of it. I worry that my next few subs will have all the characteristics I dislike: yelling to get students' attention, obvious disinterest in them, ignoring them, etc. I've had subs fall asleep in their chairs, read books all day or actually tell the kids, "I don't care what you do as long as you're quiet." While we give substitute teachers a bad time because we have seen too many as I just described, there are a few good ones out there. May you find a sub that works for you, and better yet, makes the kids say, "Aww not Mrs. [so-and-so], she'll actually make us do the work!"
Monday, September 18, 2017
Jearl's bottle overfloweth
The ringmaster of the Flying Circus of Physics is at it again. This time, Jearl hops into brewery for a beer. Root beer, that is. A former student taps the top of Jearl's open bottle, and physics ensues. Take a look.
Flying Circus of Physics: Bottle Tap (Episode 3.1)
The Flying Circus of Physics now has a YouTube Channel. I recommend subscribing!
Flying Circus of Physics: Bottle Tap (Episode 3.1)
The Flying Circus of Physics now has a YouTube Channel. I recommend subscribing!
Saturday, September 16, 2017
One parent that should never be called back
I received an email from my office staff indicating a parent had called and wanted to talk to me, but I was teaching at the time. The parent requested I call her back.
When I did, it turns out she was a telemarketer keen to offer me a private business group travel "opportunity".
"I'm sorry: what is the name of your son or daughter enrolled in my class?"
"I don't have one."
"So you're not really a parent here, are you?"
"I have children."
"I don't appreciate your deception and am not interested in your opportunity."
"Do you know another teacher who might be interested?"
"If I did, I would not tell you. As we speak, I'm composing an email to my colleagues warning them of your deceptive tactics."
Thus ended the conversation. The email was sent out shortly thereafter. The blood pressure remained high for some time.
I get it: times are tough in the world of group travel sales. Maybe. But posing as the parent of a student to a teacher in order to trick them into calling you back is beyond the pale. It disrespects what we do and our commitment to maintain communication with parents.
I cannot imagine this tactic works for her, but if it doesn't why does she do it? She presents an example for those who consider "business ethics" to be an oxymoron.
When I did, it turns out she was a telemarketer keen to offer me a private business group travel "opportunity".
"I'm sorry: what is the name of your son or daughter enrolled in my class?"
"I don't have one."
"So you're not really a parent here, are you?"
"I have children."
"I don't appreciate your deception and am not interested in your opportunity."
"Do you know another teacher who might be interested?"
"If I did, I would not tell you. As we speak, I'm composing an email to my colleagues warning them of your deceptive tactics."
Thus ended the conversation. The email was sent out shortly thereafter. The blood pressure remained high for some time.
I get it: times are tough in the world of group travel sales. Maybe. But posing as the parent of a student to a teacher in order to trick them into calling you back is beyond the pale. It disrespects what we do and our commitment to maintain communication with parents.
I cannot imagine this tactic works for her, but if it doesn't why does she do it? She presents an example for those who consider "business ethics" to be an oxymoron.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Total Eclipse of the Sun - Part 4
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Having path of totality cross the campus ensures having a great summer! Climbing tower loomed over volunteer campsite |
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H-alpha could see through clouds but would corona shine through? |
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Shot through iPhone good enough to show facula and prominences |
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The Sun showed another one of its tricks before sunset on Sunday |
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Me and Rich and the odd annular eclipse graphic on Lowell booth |
In between "shows" I would put one or two of the 2 kg masses on the spacetime simulator and let children play with the marbles. That proved to be very popular. Some of them could barely see over the edge but they were fascinated by watching the motion of the marbles. The parents took non-stop pictures. Many people recognized the spacetime simulator from the viral video but they did not recognize me. I told them I was the one in the video and a few people took selfies with me and one even asked for my autograph.
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Water refracts light around the edge of the bucket, toward eyes of the observers |
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Refracted image of the sun was enough to start the cheeping of the osprey chicks |
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Rich Krueger's students show gravity bending light |
If you are interested in trying the bucket demo I suggest using metal buckets and paint them flat black inside and out so the entire bucket doesn't glow from the light. That will make the desired effect more apparent. Instead of a washer, epoxy a magnet to the light to attach it to the bottom of the bucket. I am sure Paul would have liked this one, I hope you and your students do too.
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Rich Keuger takes the audience on a tour of the Universe |
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LGHS AP Physics and APES teachers prepare for totality |
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LGHS Teacher with Sun Funnel on 8/21, by R. Peters |
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My only good total eclipse picture was still very satisfying |
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I felt dorky taking a selfie with the eclipsed Sun and the picture captured the feeling |
Totality starts about 1 min in, focus goes out of whack later but the sound is good!
GoPro of totality with Rush soundtrack. Look for eclipse chasing plane toward lower right.
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Sister Colleen, me, and wife Gia, photo by Science Channel |
I have been looking forward to the 2017 Great American Eclipse for about two decades. Now that it is over I feel a little letdown. The surest cure for post-totality blues is to start planning the next trip to the Moon's umbra. You will probably find me on a cruise ship off the west coast of Mexico in 2024. The 2028 total eclipse in Australia looks good too, I better take care of myself! Although seeing a total eclipse of the Sun is an incredible experience, there are other spectacles of nature that are equally beautiful and inspiring. Seeing an erupting volcano or an aurora come to mind. Perhaps these don't get the same attention because theoretically you can go and see them almost anytime you want, if you can afford it. There seems to be a premium for natural phenomena that are rare. I wonder how people in the future will think of total eclipses when they can board a rocket and travel to the Moon's umbra anytime they want for as long as they want. I believe one of the greatest natural displays, sunsets, are underappreciated because they are ubiquitous. I am glad we don't have to wait years to see one. Usually, all you have to do is take a walk outside and look up.
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Sunset, August 20, 2017. If this was rare, I would have a t-shirt saying "I Saw the Great American Sunset in Madras, 2017" |
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