Saturday, May 17, 2014

Capturing ideas rather than moments

If Escher used Photoshop…


Lee Trampleasure said...

Well, I really like his work, but his comment that traditional photography "stops when you click the shutter" shows he has no sense what artistic photographers do. I remember being shocked the first time I visited an Ansel Adams exhibit and discovered how much dodging and burning he did to create light streaks in his photos. Yes, people have been doing "photoshop" way before digital photograph.

Dean Baird said...

I chalked that comment up to the kind of hyperbole / straw-man argument that is typically accepted (if not encouraged) by the condensed format of a TED talk.

I'm pretty sure he knows what photogs do in post. He just does more of it, and designs shoots with more of an intent/plan to manipulate.