Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Psychic Reading's

You might think that someone capable 0f seeing int0 the present would be capable of looking int0 a dictionary or ustage guide. But You Would Be Wrong 0n Both Count's.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This flyer is flawed on so many levels. The grammar alone is making my eyes bleed. Why does everyone feel it necessary to put an apostrophe wherever there happens to be an 's' at the end of the word? Spelling and punctuation problems - yikes! Even if I believed in all that psychic nonsense, I wouldn't go strictly on principle. Thanks for letting me drop the grammar hammer.

J. Frankenstein Lutes said...

Also, why are these psychics reading palms and getting sneered at by skeptics instead of winning the lottery and floating smugly at a Caribbean resort? If it is because they like helping folk they can still do it on the side.

stevie (MacDowser) Ray said...

I'm confused. Her card reads "All Matter of Life."
Maybe she meant to put "Physics" on her card instead of Psychic? It's a common error I'm told.

Converter said...

i think its Psychic not physics because a physicist cant solve all matters of life in one meeting..........

Angel Readings said...

This blog-post is all about the psychic reading.A psychic reading can sometimes be of tremendous benefit. Psychic advisers are similar in some ways to personal counsellors.
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