Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturn, backlit

The Bad Astronomer had a post about this image. When I saw it, I stayed up way past my bedtime to fiddle and fuss and made a 13"x19" photo inkjet print of it. Absolutely gwarjiss!

See The Bad Astronomer's post for details of how the photograph was taken. It's not a Photoshop illustration or a manifestation of CGI. But it is evocative of space explosions as envisioned by artists at Industrial Light and Magic. Think Star Trek VI opening scene or Star Wars IV ("Special Edition") Death Star explosion. There is something visually appealing (if not necessarily physics-ly appropriate) about an equatorial ring being thrown radially outward.


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. I have no idea how it was taken, but it's sick.

Dean Baird said...

Oh, the kids with their crazy lingo...