Here are a few gems illustrating McLeroy's educational policy wisdom.
In 2003, Dr. McLeroy voted against proposed high school biology textbooks because he felt their coverage of evolution was “too dogmatic” and did not include possible flaws in Charles Darwin’s theory of how life on Earth evolved from lower forms.
In 2001, McLeroy and a majority of the board rejected the only Advanced Placement textbook for high school environmental science because its views on global warming and other events didn’t comport with the beliefs of the board majority. The book wasn’t factual and was anti-American and anti-Christian, the majority claimed. Meanwhile, dozens of colleges and universities were using the textbook, including Baylor University, the nation’s largest Baptist college.
And from McLeroy's own website, he lists this as a favorite quotation: "The belief seems to be spreading that intellectuals are no wiser as mentors, or worthier as exemplars, than the witch doctors or priests of old. I share that scepticism."
In a previous post, I mentioned that in the mid-'80's, Texas tried to bully textbook publishers into dropping the very mention of the word "evolution" from science texts. The size of the Texas market forced publishers to take notice. But California stepped in and told publishers that if they dropped evolution, they could kiss California's even larger market goodbye. As California quashed an anti-science initiative from Texas, I decided I could work in a state like California.