Wednesday, August 07, 2013

AP Physics Hall of Fame updated

Today we welcome six new members to Rio's austere AP Physics Hall of Fame. They are

Ivan Cherkashin
Ramsey Karim
Patrick McClure
Scott McCuen
Aaron Prohofsky
Tyler Reeves

Congratulations! I'm not sure of the exact extent to which this feat distinguished them from the rest of humanity, but Physics is far from the most popular AP exam, and the air gets mighty thin at the altitude of AP Physics 5-ers. The accomplishment is noteworthy and praiseworthy.

The Rio Phyz Hall of Fame is posted at my Phyz site and stretches back to 1987, when the first of my students sat for the exam.

All Rio's AP Physics B candidates received passing scores of 3 or better this year. Again, this is not a simple matter. I am proud of all my 2013 AP Physics examinees!

Prop 30 budget cut fears wreaked havoc on this spring's final exam schedule. So I don't have a single AP Physics group shot. But here's one with many AP Physics students. More can be found in the 2013 Rio Phyz album at Flickr.



Julia said...

I hear protests behind me that the missing half of the class was taking another AP Test.

Dean Baird said...

They were. The "year end/final exam" sequence was completely goat-roped last spring, and that screwed up the photos rather thoroughly. I'll probably post all the pics in the "Best Ever" post. They're up at the Rio Phyz photo album at Flickr.